Let's Go for a Drive!

When Gerald the elephant and Piggie decide to go for a drive, they find that all the planning in the world can't replace one crucial ingredient. "Let's go for a drive!" proposes Gerald; "That sounds fun!" agrees Piggie. "Drive! Drive! Drivey-drive-drive!" they chorus. Gerald, a touch on the OCD side, insists on a plan that includes a number of items: map, sunglasses, umbrellas, bags and, as there will be "a lot of driving on [their] drive," a car. Oops. Piggie doesn't have one; "[a] pig with a car would be silly." Neither does Gerald. Whatever will they do? The dauntless duo's 18th outing employs Willems' award-winning formula: color-coded speech bubbles; lots of white space; endearing visual characterization (Gerald's emotional journey as he realizes the tragedy a-borning is hysterical); effortless phonetic play; thoughtfully designed endpapers; silliness.
Ages 3-5